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How to Buy Clothes That Do Not Burn a Hole in Your Pocket?

October 30, 2018

Shopping for women’s dresses online is convenient. It is something that you can do from home or work or on the move without exerting yourself. There are multiple options to pay; cash on delivery, pay on delivery, use of credit and debit cards. In addition to all this, you can also redeem points. Honestly, purchasing any item related to women’s clothing was never this easy. Be it jeans online women’s or a t-shirt, a dress or even a saree, the process is simple – browse, choose, select, add to cart, pay and sign out. Given the extent of use of smartphones, availability of the internet, this trend will only go deeper both in the fashion world and in your pocket.

While it is heartwarming and comfortable to shop for womens dresses online. It is also easy to fall into the   loop of credit card or plastic money trap. Unlike cash transactions, where you feel the pinch of the expense immediately, buying online through credit is a delayed process of assessing your financial status. So how to shop online but not fall into the credit trap? Here’s how!

Cash on delivery

Of all the means to pay for your favorite jeans online women’s, choosing cash on delivery is the safest option in terms of balancing your finances. For one, you pay only after receiving the product. For another, you are paying cash immediately and not at a future date.

Rent out one time wears

There are some occasions in our lives which are grand and life-changing. But, they come only once. It is a natural tendency to wear the best for such occasions. Wear the best but don’t buy it. This way you save on all the money that will be spent on those fine pieces of clothing that you will end up wearing only once.

Say no to dry clean only

It makes sense to buy clothes that can be washed at home. A dry wash every time you wear a dress is quite an expensive ordeal. Washing machines available today are efficient for different kinds of wash levels and cycles.

Track your favorite items

It’s always a good idea to wait before you buy. Impulsive buying can be taxing on your pocket. Add your favorite items to your closet or cart and then wait. Watch out for sales, flash sales and discounts. You will be surprised how much you will save and still buy things that you really want. Another option is to count until 10 before you buy something.

Never buy only from one website

Fashion trends available on one retailer’s online platform are not going to be completely exclusive to that of another. It is a good idea to match what you like on one platform with similar options on another website. This way you get to check out the price, styles and even colors beyond one seller and also save money in the process.