We all want to look and feel our best from day to day, but there’s just plenty of stuff that can go wrong, and that can put us in a bad place.
Maybe you’ve got a lot on your plate at work, or you’ve been having trouble staying disciplined, organised, and committed to your fitness routine. Or maybe you’ve fallen out with a good friend.
Regardless of what’s getting you down, one thing is certain — becoming ill, or suffering from a chronic health issue, is certainly not going to improve your general experience of life and make you a more upbeat person. And it’s not just an issue of the illness itself. Sometimes, even the medication comes with worrying side effects.
It’s clear that feeling your best has a lot to do with doing what you can to avoid illness and stay healthy. Here are a few reasons why you should explore holistic health remedies, specifically, in pursuit of that aim.
They encourage you to take a more preventive approach to health issues
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” goes the old saying, and it’s not hard to see why this is true. When you take a preventive view of your health, you put yourself in a situation where you minimise the damage done to your body, and nip potential issues in the bud.
By adhering to healthy diet and exercise regimen, getting plenty of fresh air, and sleeping enough, you will, for example, severely reduce your likelihood of developing a condition such as Type 2 Diabetes.
If you wait until you get Type 2 Diabetes before taking positive action, however, things become far more complex and far less easily manageable. Now you’re battling against existing metabolic damage, not just acting out healthy lifestyle habits.
Holistic remedies almost always focus on, and encourage, a preventive approach to health issues, which is a good thing.
They are often less likely to result in harmful side effects
There are certainly plants that can kill you, no question about that. But when you consider the kinds of herbal and lifestyle remedies commonly prescribed and made available in the developed world, under the holistic and alternative therapy banners, most of them will be far friendlier in terms of side-effects than hard medication.
Antidepressants may save some people’s lives, but they also seem linked to various potentially life-destroying side effects, including increased risk of suicide.
CBD oil, for example, may also improve your mood — but without the dramatic side effects. Just be sure you’re using a good CBD dose chart.
Holistic remedies encourage you to appreciate the power of both mindset and lifestyle
One issue with conventional medicine is that it treats the body purely as a machine, and strives to fix the mechanics. There are plenty of benefits to this, of course. But it’s an incomplete model.
If you’re always tired — maybe your lifestyle routines play a part, too, and you should first rigorously examine your habits, instead of jumping straight onto Modafinil.
Holistic remedies generally emphasize the importance of both mindset and lifestyle, not just physical chemistry or “wiring”.