It’s perhaps not an overstatement to say that caffeine is probably the most crucial part of many people’s daily routines. And while some like it hot, not everyone necessarily wants to sip some piping hot liquid first thing in the morning. Especially in the dead of summer. The solution these people opt for is cold brew coffee instead. As it turns out, not only is cold brew a better option for caffeine lovers who can’t take the heat, it would seem that nourishment experts have begun to recognize other health-related benefits that may branch from preparing your coffee cold instead. Today, we are going to take a look at some of the potential health benefits you can expect to receive by switching to cold brew coffee.
Easier on Your Stomach
When you think long and hard about it, coffee in itself is a bit of a strange concept. While there are many food and beverages we enjoy nice and warm, the fact that our caffeine has to be heated up to scalding temperatures before we deem it acceptable to drink is a bit of an anomaly. As it turns out, that piping hot cup of joe might not be doing wonders for your stomach either. And not just because of the literal heat itself. The high acidity of hot coffee has been known to prompt a variety of different forms of irritation in some more sensitive people such as acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion. According to some studies such as the ones published in the journal known as scientific reports, cold brew coffee maybe a little less acidic on the pH scale when compared to a cup of regular hot coffee, making it a more viable option for those with sensitivities to acidic food and beverages. In addition to a potentially lower level of acidity, cold brew coffee also contains a specific type of carbohydrates known as crude poly-saccharides. These chains of sugar molecules are beneficial to your body because they boost the immunity of your digestive tract, hence reducing the chance of gut irritation in response to acidity. The best part of all in addition to being less irritating for your stomach, cold brew coffee still manages to contain a similar level of caffeine when compared to regular hot coffee. Meaning that you can crossover from hot to cold without having to sacrifice that little extra pep in your step that your morning joe provides. If you frequently struggle with acid reflux, or you’re wondering why you always feel a stomachache begin to take effect after your daily cup then you may want to consider switching to cold brew and see if you notice any difference.
Might Boost Your Metabolism
Looking to lose an extra few pounds before summer kicks into full swing. In addition to being a little bit easier to digest, it’s been theorized that cold brew coffee may also be able to help you with your goals related to losing weight by providing a much-needed jumpstart to your body’s metabolism. When your metabolic rate rises, your body begins to burn through its energy stores at a faster rate leading to more calories being burned. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the caffeine content found within a cold brew coffee may be enough to enhance your rate of metabolism by up to eleven percent. It should be noted that these same metabolism-boosting benefits can be found in hot coffee as well.
May Improve Your Mood and Mind
In addition to boosting your metabolism, a cold brew coffee may also potentially give a boost to your spirits as well, according to the scientific journal. Caffeine has been known to possess mood-elevating properties. This is true especially among people who might not be getting their daily quota of sleep. Moreover, some studies have reported that caffeine may also be an effective natural stimulant that boosts things such as the brain and motor functions. Much as we resent that one co-worker whose catchphrase is always ‘don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’, it would seem as though there might be some scientific basis to the overused joke after all. In addition to lifting your mood and improving your cognitive abilities, some studies have also indicated that cold brew coffee might make other more tangible improvements on your mental health as well as a stimulant to your nervous system. Caffeine affects your brain directly according to some research such as the data collected in frontiers in neuroscience. Drinking coffee may help to stave off the effects of certain age-related diseases that affect the mind and nervous system such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. According to one coffee study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland, test subjects who drank between three and five cups of coffee every day had their risk of developing Alzheimer’s related dementia reduced by more than half (a whopping 65 percent). In other words, coffee isn’t just right for your mood; it’s also good for your mind!
May Lower the Risk of Heart Diseases
Your average cold brew coffee concoction is actually a quite complicated cocktail of complex compounds consisting of caffeine, magnesium, and phenolic compounds. All of these compounds present several possible benefits to your body by reducing the risk of heart disease in various ways, such as by reducing insulin resistance, lowering blood pressure and keeping your body’s blood sugar at reasonable levels. In addition to this, already quite an extensive list of beneficial and heart-healthy ingredients, cold brew coffee also contains what are known as chlorogenic acids or CGAs as well as diterpenes. Both CGAs and diterpenes function as antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory agents. In other words, cold brew improves your overall health.
For many people, the most significant part of waking up is a freshly brewed pot of caffeinated coffee. But even if you’re not a fan of slugging back hot beverages on a humid July morning, there’s no reason why you need to miss out on the potential health benefits that can be obtained from a caffeinated drink. In addition to being a little easier to process for those with sensitive tummies, a cold brew coffee also comes fully loaded with a variety of other health-related benefits as well. From improving your heart health to uplifting your mood and metabolism, if you’re looking for ways to chill out, maybe it’s time you start giving your morning coffee the cold shoulder!