2019 is just about to end. Did you achieve your goals? Did you keep the resolutions? If not, right now is the best time to complete a few of them, and feel good about yourself. However, in case resolutions or goals cannot be met before 2019 ends, why not read a book or two and tweak your lifestyle so that you are able to achieve your goals the next year? Right now, I am going to take you through 5 books that are practical, full of sense, and totally worth practicing in your life.
Also, to make sure that you are able to buy these books if you want, I looked them up on Amazon and added the links to the list below.
The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life
This is one of the most practical books that you can read right now. It comes from the house of Robin Sharma, and this is just one more factor that adds credibility to the book. Inside the book, you will find advice, reasons, and motivation on claiming your morning the way you have never imagined. The 5 AM Club is a book that talks about waking up an hour early from your regular routine and using this one extra hour of your day to do things that have been pending since forever.
Sometimes, the book goes into a story mode, explaining the scene to such a great extent that it brews the scene in your head. Also, I would not recommend skipping chapters, or even pages since evert piece on content in it is gold.
Life’s Amazing Secrets: How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life
Coming from an engineer-turned-monk, who is now a celebrity on the internet, and life coach of millions of people worldwide, Life’s Amazing Secrets is a book that forces you to take your life into perspective and understand the reasons for the wrong things that you have been doing. The book will take you on a journey of self-realization, self-improvement and spiritual awakening required in the modern world. At no point does the book get boring. And if you are a follower of Gaur Gopal Das, the author of the book, this is going to be a refresher for you.
If you have difficulty in facing the hard times, or if you are looking for reasons to live, this is the book that you need to read. It has life-changing views that are going to be helpful.
Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems
This book was launched recently and has been written by Noble Prize winner Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo (both Economics, 2019). The book talks about the current economic problems that India is facing, and how to sail through it. It also tells you the reasons why some decisions are taken by the country recently were good, and why some of them were not so good. The book will put you in the right place for judging all the financial, economic and foreign relation decisions being executed. While the book questions some decisions very openly, it also applauds the good decisions taken by the government very enthusiastically.
If you are trying to understand the current situation of our economy, or even if you are preparing for a competitive exam or an interview related to economics, this book can help you steer through some challenging questions.
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
The first print of the book was launched 22 years ago, and to this day, the book is read by millions around the world. The book compares two dads – one rich and one poor, and how these dads teach finance and money to their young boys. The difference in the thought process pertaining to saving money, investing money and re-investing money is mind-blowing, and worth every single minute put into the book.
The book’s popularity can be judged from the fact that it has been translated to more than a dozen languages, and 22 years later, it is still a recommendation being made. The book has been written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life!
How do you react to the problems? How do you choose to behave? How do you handle the hard times? If you are not sure of your actions, and if you do not have a plan of action for the next time you land in trouble, this is the book that you need! The author (Jeff Keller) is an amazing man with an amazing approach to life. He does not present an ideal life and ideal solutions. He talks about the negativity in our lives, the problems that arise due to our own selves and how things are not always under control. He accepts that imperfection is the order of human nature and that it is hard to change. However, he also tells you how to make peace with the inner demons, and gives you reasons to push yourself towards perfection. Our attitude determines more than we imagine, and once you start reading this book, you will realize that how much you have been missing in your life.
This is a life-changing book, and kind of a content that you come across once in a lifetime. If you have some hours to spare, and a will to live a better life, this is the one that you need.