Having a strong sense of self can be important for many of us. It can help us to know who we are, what we want – and can consequently give us a sense of inner happiness at the same time as giving our lives a little direction. But a surprising number of us simply don’t know ourselves. Here are a couple of different things you can do to strengthen your sense of self!
An area that interests many of us is our ancestry. Sure, our ancestors are not ourselves. But their stories all led to our existence. Different cultures. Different individuals. Different lives. It can really be fun to find out where your roots lie. Some of us already have a vague idea. For some of us, it’s a complete mystery. Either way, there stands a lot to be learned. So, why not start digging a little deeper? Knowing more about your past relatives can give you insight into how you eventually came into this world, as well as potentially important information, such as a genetic predisposition you may have to certain illnesses or conditions, such as lupus. There are multiple ways to go about this. You can carry out ancestry DNA tests, which will give you an idea of where your relatives came from. You can also use ancestry sites that collate data for family trees!
Solo Travel
It may be a relatively cliche trope, but many people do travel alone in order to “find” themselves or “discover” themselves – and often, this can prove fruitful. Many of us find that we don’t get all too much time alone on a day to day basis. We head to work and are surrounded by colleagues, focusing on tasks and making small talk from nine to five. Relatively few people live alone, so are socializing at home. Many of us enjoy using our free time to catch up with friends. So, it’s not all too surprising that many of us simply don’t get the opportunity to sit down alone for a while and get to know ourselves. Now, travelling independently does. It gives you an extended period of time where you can absolutely and unapologetically be yourself. You have full reign over everything. The countries you visit. The landmarks you decide to go to. How you spend each day. You’ll also have a lot of time to think things over. Whether you’re truly happy in your job. Whether you’re happy with your relationships. What your ambitions are. How you want things to work out in your life? This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you want and enjoy without there being any outside influence.
These are just two different ways of getting to know yourself better. There are many more out there, but hopefully, these can help get you started out in the right direction!