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Coronavirus Quarantine: 21 Things You Can Do During The 21 Days Covid-19 Lockdown

March 24, 2020

Whether you like it or not, India is in a state of coronavirus quarantine lock-down and there is no place to go. In such a situation, you have two options: you can either be productive or get lazy. We are giving you 21 things that you can do while you’re stuck at home.

1. Binge Watch TV Series

We recommend Special Ops on Hotstar. We finished it on day 1 of quarantine and then switched to F.R.I.E.N.D.S one more time. There is nothing better than that.

You could also watch some amazing content on YouTube by the likes of BB, Harsh Beniwal, Prajakta Kohli (Mostly Sane) and Metal Gaming.

2. Start a Podcast

A lot of people love to speak and share their thoughts. These 21 days just might be the time you needed to do it. Start a podcast, and you will love it.

You can host your podcasts easily on and Podbean.

Once the podcast is live, submit it to different podcast aggregators like Spotify, Google Podcast and iTunes.

3. Learn to Solve a Rubik’s Cube

You now have the time, and here is a video.

Also, just in case you don’t have a Rubik’s Cube, get one from Amazon –> here.

4. Develop a New Skill

Guitar? or maybe Data Science? or maybe public speaking?

You can buy a Guitar from Amazon –> here or from Bajaao –> here. And learn it in 10 days from Youtube.

Or learn statistics and data science for the future on Udemy. We have handpicked the following courses.

5. Follow a Skin Care Routine

We have our own simple, stress-free skincare routine made from 3 simple steps – cleanse, tone and moisturize. We call it the CTM, and it has rave reviews in the real world. By the time the quarantine ends, you will have softer skin.

6. Learn How to Meditate

It looks simple, but getting control of your imagination is a challenge that only a few can conquer – meditate. This could be the best thing you can do while self-isolating in coronavirus quarantine.

7. Get Dancing on Dance Dance Revolution

We tried it on our Nintendo Switch, and we loved it. Plus, it shows the calories burnt and has more than 500 songs if you subscribe to the Unlimited version. Check it out here.

8. Have a Supper with your Pupper

Because it is the best thing to do.

9. Try Audio Books on Audible

Amazon has a service called Audible that lets you listen to books. Try it out here. The service has several free books to begin your Audible journey.

10. Play Online Games with Friends

Ludo, Uno, and several other games are available virtually for all of us to enjoy! These games are available on Android as well as iPhone. If nothing works, there is always PubG.

11. Master New Makeup Looks

Follow your favorite beauty blogger ‘literally’. Now is the time to learn and master make-up tricks and look delicious.

12. Learn a New Language

Duolingo can help you pick up a new language pretty quickly.

You can also sync this with your next international travel destination after the Covid-19 pandemic ends.

13. Add a Certificate to your Resume

You can use this time to pick skills specific to your job role. There are several websites that can help you with this. For example, if you are a software engineer, then, you may want to check Microsoft and Oracle. If you are a project manager, PMP certificates are a good choice.

Lynda and LinkedIn Learning are also good resources to learn career-specific subjects.

14. Try a Coloring App

Adult coloring apps are available for Android and iPhone. These apps have all sorts of sophisticated designs and amazingly drawn palettes to keep you calm and relaxed in quarantine.

15. Declutter Your Room like Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is an artist when it comes to decluttering the spaces. Watch her on YouTube and Netflix, and you will love what she does.

The Marie Kondo style will not just help you reclaim space from the clutter, it will help you reclaim control of your life.

16. Build a Fort with the Kids

If you have kids at home, its time to do what you loved to as a kid – build a fort.

Use cushions, pillows, bedsheets and spare mattresses to build a comfortable and cozy fort.

17. Plan a Picnic in the Balcony or the Living Room Floor

If it’s cloudy and windy, the balcony is the perfect place to be. In case you do not have an impressive view, the floor of the living room can be equally charming.

Make the evening romantic if you are a couple, and fun if you are a family with children.

However, do NOT rush out to buy ‘special’ things for the picnic. A homemade meal and a lot of love are all you need.

18. Learn Calligraphy

In simple terms, calligraphy is the art of writing beautifully. Head to YouTube to learn how to do it. You can buy the specialized pen for Calligraphy from Amazon –> here.

19. Watch Documentaries

Documentaries provide you a different perspective into the lives of people who have made a (positive or negative) difference in the world. Here are our favorite picks from Hotstar.

20. Themed Movie Nights

Binge-watch movies form one specific genre each night. We started with the Horror, and it was terrifying.

21. Read Comics Online

You can find those at Marvel or Amazon Kindle.

This time shall pass soon. Stay Home and Stay Safe 🙂